Creating a Brand Identity
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Creating a Brand Identity

Creating a Brand Identity

Creating a brand identity takes more than just a clever logo and a clever name. Your brand is everything–the way you sound, the way you feel, the way you work, even the way you look. Your brand identity is the impression you make on your customers. It’s how they feel about doing business with you, whether they’ll want to return, and if they will recommend you to their friends. You have one chance to make a great first impression, which means that any detail of your marketing materials–from the way your emails are set up to how your company’s office looks–reflects on your brand. If you feel confident, so will your customers.

Your Brand is a Promise

What do you stand for? Why do you exist? How will customers perceive the experience of working with you or buying from you? Your brand identity says what you do and who you are, and if done right, it will instill faith in your customers that they can trust you as much as they trust Apple or Coca-Cola. Your brand represents your mission, values, and the experience you want to offer to the people who buy from you.

For example, if you own a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes, then your brand identity may be lighthearted, pretty, romantic–and perhaps even elegant. If your goal is to offer delicious pastries with a friendly smile to morning commuters, then your brand identity may say, “Come here for a sweet treat on your way to work!”

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Your Branding Reflects Your Mission and Values

Branding isn’t just about how you look. It’s more than your logo or the font you choose for your emails. Your branding is how everything you do makes your customers feel. For example, if you’re a bank, it’s about the banker helping her customer get into their new home. It’s that feeling of comfort and security all wrapped up in one experience–and that experience comes from every detail of the process, from the opening minutes of the meeting to signing on the dotted line.

Everything Makes up your Brand Identity

The tone of your emails, the colors you use to decorate your office, and even what you wear when meeting with customers make up your Brand Identity. So take a good look at yourself and ask: What do you want your customers to know about who you are and what makes you different?

Final Thoughts

Your brand is more than just a logo and a clever name. It’s the personality and character you want your customers to associate with doing business with you–and every detail of your marketing materials can reflect it. So take stock of what makes you unique, define your brand identity, and create an emblem that says who you are in a way that people will remember.

When you create a brand identity, every little detail reflects on your overall brand identity, which is why it’s essential to stay consistent with your colors, logos, fonts, and more to maintain the image you want people to see. When done right, creating an emblem that truly represents your business can be one of the best ways to boost your brand and attract new customers.



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